Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The real Chi Bi 2 review

Now, I watch the 11.40pm show of this movie .. at GV Viviocity..
So it actually starts closer to Midnite and ends after 2pm. I didn't fell asleep during the 140mins of the movie.. and I only realized my buttocks is abit sore from sitting towards the end.
This is a good thing b'cos it shows the movie is good enuff to held my attention.

No absurd formations , or stupid one-on army battles this time. They keep it real mostly this time.. The Testudo is a bit out of place , but oh well. nothing as bad the 八卦阵 in the first part..
The Overall the battles are very well done, especially the Naval battles ,it is unlike any I've seen in ANY movies.

Props to Zhang Fengyi..
Cao Cao as potrayed by Zhang Feng Yi is what carried this movie. It's his presence that made this a legitimate RTK movie unlike Andy Lau's Crap of a "RTK" movie.Without him , you might as well be watching a live action Kessen 2 or Stars Wars set in Ancient China.
I love all the scenes of inspiring /boosting the morale of his troops.. so typical of Cao Cao
And that stirring speech at infirmary is exactly the kind of things that I though the real Cao would say..

All the cast did their part and played their role competently, even Nakamura Shido.. despite the language barrier.. 这个好!

except Li Chih-Lng..
John Woo must be thinking with his "hotdog" when he cast her..
Letting Xiao Qiao steal the thunder of of winning is bad enuff , they scared the audience didn't catch it they have to keep reminding us of this fact in the last part of the movie. But having more than one (atleast 3) characters spelt it out for you."we lost all b'cos of this women!" again and again again...

Despite being a VERY Beautiful women by most standards, and my own, I'm disgusted whenever she's on-screen.I must admit my already low opinion is made worse by that awful hosting job she did at the recent Golden Horse.

New Year is around the corner.. I dun want to say more , cos I'll swear and curse all the way..
Allow me just this one...


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