Friday, September 14, 2007


funny show. i think,. but probably not in the way they intended
I like the fact that most of the scenes are shot outside in real places , not in a set.

I loved Joana Peh's exaggerated "sell toothpaste' smile , likewise Zheng Ge Ping's forever eye-poping stare ., trying to act garang..
He makes a nice pair with Michelle chong who got naturally big eyes..

I duuno where they got 'em, the casting is spot on with "Akirah" and the Ah lian girl.. , esp the latter, it's worth it to tune in just to hear her talk ...., so cute the way she talk.
Wong Qing Hai's character also , though alot of mediacrap artists go teh beng face.. the effect is discounted if the character is not as buff as Wong as is.. 四肢发达,头脑简单 .. never gets old..
His character works also b'cos he's not an idiot but actually quite cunning..

Also nice to see some middle-age actors get some screen time..., I'm sick of seeing the same few faces over and over again..
In contrast, most of the principal actors seem to overact abit, not sure if its' intentional.. leh.. but it makes the show fun to watch..

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