Monday, August 13, 2007

Retro Gaming I : Bandit Kings of Ancient China

Over the weekend, find myself playing the game again.
Must be my most played game evar, considering I first played it in 1990,
then on & off till now. Waliao !17 Years!!

It helps that I like the story the game is based on, Water Margin. Also the fact that it's sorta like a RPG and unlike most strategy games tend to be.., this one dun get too tedious or easy in the late game stage.

Another thing I also like about this game is the translation of the character's nick . Overall they capture the meaning and context and didn't just do a literal translation.
for eg. Song jiang's "及时雨“ is translated as "The Welcomed Rain" so elegant and accurate.
If it's up to the genius who translate "Newton" In Newton circus to "牛顿“, we'll end up with "The punctual Rain" or 'just in time Rain".

This game actually has a remake. It's basically the same game , but runs in windows ,with updated graphics and sound.
But I find myself getting back to the original one, not minding lack of music and real sound effect. Actually prefer the graphics of the orignal, Not only do the Potrait has more "life" it also has crude and limited animation while the remake only has nicely painted but STATIC pictures.
Not bad , for a game from f%^%$%ng 1989!!

There's also a real sequel (not remake) , but I dislike the graphic style of the that one.
Though base building and RPG elements are emphasized, i hate that they took away most of the strategic parts.Also like all early KOEI windows game. the interface is clunky.

I guess the lack of good sequels somehwhat contribute to me playing this one game more..

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