Monday, July 23, 2007

Fan Service in Harry Potter 7

Finished the book, thought he middle camping part is abit plodding , all the lose-ends were tied up nicely without too much Deus Ex Machina , many of the mysteries matched popular theories and my own. And we get a big battle in the end , which I can't wait to see on Film.

The "19 years later" epilogue reads like a fanfic .. so cute and tidy, typical of those goose bump inducing happy endings in Chinese new year movies .
Guess it's fan service for those unable to grasp the concept of "leave it to the imagination of the readers" and need a definite happy ending written in black and white for them.

Rowling also didn't forget fans of the movie , espcially those of Daniel Radcliffe, who can look forward to seeing him stark naked in the 7th Movie.

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