Friday, February 22, 2008

Not cool ..

The the NEA Advert
the one that recently, gets played frequently on TV mobile and free-to-air channels the one with some teenagers.. ended with a guy saying...if I can do it so CAN YOU!!!..

The other parts of the advert aside, this particular line infuriates me..
"If I can ..... SO CAN YOU!!"

Who is he? Is he the Jesus of the Green movement? A reformed ecco terrroists?
Who's he to tell us he knows better , he not's even cool ,Looks more like a Rich Ah Beng.
And that smug,I-AM-BETTER THAN YOU smirk when he say SO CAN YOU! makes me want to go set fire to something.

And what's with the girl before him?? I think she's suppose to be sad.. but she looked pissed to me,like someone steal her boyfriend ...