Monday, January 28, 2008


or John Rambo or Rambo 4 whatever..,the latest one in theatres now.. I still have no idea what's teh official title..

I've eagerly anticipated this one since i caught the trailer on the net last year.., you know the one where he cuts a guy in half with a knife and blow some guy to bits with a jeep-mounted gun?

Caught this last week, I must say the sound in this movie is quite outstanding, suitably LOUD and just a bit grating to go with the action onscreen.And this, with me watching in the crappy cinema in Toa Payoh..

Another thing that standout is how big, erm ..broad, stocky Rambo (Stallone) looked compared to the last installement.I know he's much older now, but the buldging veins and that very broad and rather puffy face looked abit freaky to me, though he'll be right at home in a comic book..

I expected more of the same stuff show in the trailer and I got what i want.
Thankfully, the drama and morality lesson is kept to a minimum . The rest of the movie is a bloodbath.., though I feel the real footage at the start is the most disturbing..
The carnage reminds me of the game crysis, which I played alot and just finished recently, especially you aslo get to mowed down dozens of people with a jeep-mounted gun in the game as in the movie ..or should I said cannon,as in the movie this thing blow people to bits and make very big holes/explosions on anything it hits.
No remorse when Rambo mowed down and killed horribly the Burmese army with this. They are your typical, pure evil caricatures in popular media...

Though rambo runs around alot in one sequence in this movie. we dun really see Stallone do many big action stunts,( jumping,out-running explosions/gunfire, hand to hand fightin etc.. I guess he's old.
I was pleasantly surprised that the Mercs are pretty badass too, as normally such secondary characters are dumbdown to accentuate how badass the main hero is.

Story-wise. its almost exactly the same as Rambo 3 with bits of Rambo 2.
Hah hah.. right down to a scene in the end when the Karen rebels come to save the day.. like the muhajedeen in Rambo 3.

That aside, I like that there is a good ending for Rambo..finally.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


I like it.

Some people dun like the shaky cam..
I'd say it's way better than blair witch or real hand-held camera footage.
And it's not as if they didn't show you the good parts, we've got a good look at the monster from various angles as well as the army's response..

Some people dun like teh fact that they know anything about origin of the monster..
eh? considerin who is holding the camera, how do you expect them to come by that kind of information? Besides the speculation is part of the fun..

If I have to use one word to describe the movie I'll say it's INTENSE, though it's only slightly over an hour ,apart from the party scene in the beginning , there's not a dull moment in the movie.And like one of it's actor says..thought it cost only 30 Million the effect looks like it cost 150 Million.
Props for the design of the monster,it s as a monster should be. hard to discribe, not some generic dinosaur-like thing or a giant version of earthly creatures

I'll but the DVD the moment it comes out..